API access

All Stemformatics data can be accessed via API. Use your favourite tool, such as python or R to search for relevant datasets and download them to do your own analyses. Or simply go to the api server and view the data in raw form.

# cURL example
curl https://api.stemformatics.org/datasets/2000/metadata

# python examples
import pandas, requests
r = requests.get('https://api.stemformatics.org/datasets/2000/samples')
df = pandas.DataFrame(r.json())
        sample_id    cell_type parental_cell_type  ... developmental_stage treatment external_source_id
0  2000_1787466030_H  neurosphere         epithelium  ...
1  2000_1787466065_A  neurosphere         epithelium  ...
2  2000_1787466030_E  neurosphere         epithelium  ...
3  2000_1787466065_D  neurosphere         epithelium  ...
4  2000_1699538158_H  neurosphere         epithelium  ...

# Note that you can safely use spaces inside query string variable and requests will parse it for you
r = requests.get('https://api.stemformatics.org/search/samples?query_string=%s&field=tissue_of_origin,dataset_id' % 'dendritic cell')
[{'sample_id': '7277_GSM2067549', 'dataset_id': 7277, 'tissue_of_origin': 'umbilical cord blood'}, 
    {'sample_id': '7277_GSM2067548', 'dataset_id': 7277, 'tissue_of_origin': 'umbilical cord blood'}]

# To get expression matrix as file but read it into pandas directly
import io
r = requests.get('https://api.stemformatics.org/datasets/6756/expression?as_file=true')
df = pandas.read_csv(io.StringIO(r.text), sep='\t', index_col=0)
            GSM741192.CEL  GSM741193.CEL  GSM741194.CEL  GSM741195.CEL  \
1415670_at         8.209027       8.262415       8.557468       9.205204   
1415671_at        10.852328      11.100999      10.912304      10.836298   
1415672_at        10.431524      10.364212      10.517259      11.122440   

# R example
response = GET("https://api.stemformatics.org/datasets/2000/metadata")
Full list of APIs

Where you see the parameters, default vaules are given and these can be left out. For example, /datasets/2000/samples will work the same as /datasets/2000/sample?orient=records&as_file=false. If default value is not given, it is a required parameter and this is explained.

The parameter 'orient' can have same values as specified by to_dict() function in python pandas package.

/download?dataset_id={comma separated dataset ids}
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